Saturday, September 5, 2009

Today In The Garden - 9/5

There was nothing to harvest in the garden today.  I took some newspaper and covered up the bits of the boxes where I'm not going to be planting anything else this year.  The newspaper should kill the weeds underneath, and help get the spot ready for next spring. 

There's still some lettuce in this bed, both some soft stuff, which I don't really like all that much, and some romaine, which I'm rather fond of.  There are a bunch of beets, too, although they''re still pretty tiny.  I hope that the weather holds out until the beets are a bit bigger.  I really like beets, particularly little, sweet ones.

I've got a lot more tomatoes coming.  There are a lot of green ones, and quite a few starting to turn red.  I'm really happy with the way our trellis system worked this year.  We have the tomatoes, beans and cucumbers planted in a narrow raised bed with a beam about 6 feet up.  The beams were the outline of the garden our first year.  We got some 4' x 8' galvanized repanel (used to reinforce poured concrete) and attached it to the planks on both sides of the raised bed and to the beam at the top.  It's got a 6" x 6" grid, so it's easy to reach in to weed or harvest.  It was seriously cheap and much easier than putting up string to support the crops.  It may be a bit tough to clean off this fall - the beans in particular have wound themselves tightly around the mesh, but I figure that a wire brush ought to clean the stuff off once it's dead and brown. 

It's been a good year in the garden, despite the rather cool weather.  I'm already looking forward to next year.


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